Donna Carrol “goes above and beyond” for her Medicine-On-Time patients. “She knows their unique needs for their medications and always tries to accommodate them.”
Blount Specialty Pharmacy knows the gem they have in long-time employee and Pharmacy Technician, Donna Carroll. They nominated her for Medicine-On-Time’s Pharmacy Technician of the Year program.
We sat down with Donna and asked her about her experience as a Pharmacy Technician and her work serving the community of Maryville, TN with Medicine-On-Time.
Donna Carroll, Certified Pharmacy Technician
I have worked in pharmacy for 42 years. I was called an RX Typist with my first drug store. This was in 1979 and technicians did not exist.
30 years with the corporation. I have held several different positions throughout the years.
We usually start the day checking and stocking order. Next, we take care of bulk refill requests as well as any control prescription that need packaged. After completing this, we begin to package the next facility due. We have them staggered through the month to keep things running smooth. I also utilize the drug forecast to place orders a day or so prior to packaging to maintain minimal inventory while securing in stock conditions to package, One thing I think helps our independent patients is personalized contact. I call each patient before we begin to package that group. I make sure they are ready for packaging and if there are drug changes or missing refills these can be handled prior to packaging. This also cuts down on cancellations should the patient be in the hospital or rehab.
Working in a drug store for 42 years, I have worn many hats. I started as an RX typist, moved through front end management and back to pharmacy where I love. I have experienced paper files to electronic conversions. Fortunately for our pharmacy, the pandemic did not affect us as much as other professions. The delivery drivers had delays especially at facilities, but medication is essential and we made sure everyone received their medication in a timely manner.
I have been at this in this field for about 3 years now. I really enjoy the added responsibilities and opportunities to help my patients.
My hope is the patients and facilities know they are being provided for by a team that really cares about each one. We pride ourselves in handling orders promptly. On Time.
The most satisfying feeling is when you call a patient to check on them, and they recognize your voice and immediately you can feel the change in their voice. They respond with happiness that someone cares for them. A lot of my patients are elderly, some living alone.
If I can brighten their day, one of the most important aspects of this job is done. Taking care of our patients. We take care of people first, and prescriptions second.
Customer service and support first and foremost. If we don’t take care of our customers, where is the logic in continuing with us? Our business is growing from word of mouth. A satisfied patient will tell their friends.
Secondly, in my position of ordering medicines, I help with cost issues. Third party payors can be brutal, but with a little diligence we can continue to fill meds and take care of patients without losing money.
Sometimes it is hard to get prescription authorizations in place for the patients. I try to go every step to secure these. Doctors are sometimes behind in responding. It is my job to get these authorizations in place before we package so it is a seamless task to fill, bill, and deliver. It is confusing if our patients have to use a bottle prescription because of medical office failures. I love my job, my fellow employees and most importantly my patients.
Medicine-On-Time members can nominate their Star Technicians for the Pharmacy Technician of the Year program. How does your Pharmacy Technician stand out? Drop us a line at info@medicineontime.com. We would love to give your Technician the recognition they deserve!