Pharmacy Technicians are a critical part of a pharmacy’s success. As the role of Pharmacist continues to advance, so does the role of Pharmacy Technician. On Pharmacy Technician Day, we want to honor technicians who dedicate so much to their team and the patients they serve. We asked Medicine-On-Time members to nominate their star technician who give it their all every day and are often times the backbone of the pharmacy. Our first nominee for the week is Samantha Bowman.
We caught up with Samantha and asked her about her experience as a Pharmacy Technician for Mac’s LTC Pharmacy.
12 years.
6 years.
We have very close relationships with our facilities. We speak with them multiple times daily to assist in meeting the daily and monthly
needs of our patients as effectively and efficiently as possible. I split my time between entering and filling prescriptions and I enjoy
helping out in different areas.
I started as a a retail pharmacy tech in a larger chain and then transitioned into long term care. While it has been hard to see the loss
of some patients during the pandemic it has also given me hope to see so many recover. I enjoy the family dynamic of working for a
smaller family owned company. I feel long term care is where I belong.
I have been using Medicine-On-Time since I began long term care in 2015.
Medicine-On-Time helps us to provide safe accurate medications for our patients. It also helps the facilities by offering easy to use and understand Medication Administration Records (MARs) and packaging. This minimizes errors and makes their lives easier.
I enjoy the close relationships with the facilities and being able to help those who are in them. I root for each patient when they come back from rehab or any other absence. I also grieve each loss even though we may have never met. They matter very much to me.
I am proud to make people’s live easier and more comfortable despite whatever circumstances they have. I am also proud of being a team player.
I think long term care is a very rewarding experience.
Pharmacy Technicians in Long Term Care often get overlooked because they are not visible to the public. However it is crucial that
they have a good relationship with our LTC facilities and their staff. All of our facilities like Samantha. She is actually one of the newer technicians on my staff, but I don’t know what I would do without her.
Samantha is a dedicated employee. She is eager to learn, step in when needed, and gets along well with her coworkers. As the Pharmacy Manager, if I need something taken care of, I will look to her.