Investing in a medication adherence solution can help you grow your pharmacy business. Growth doesn’t happen overnight. It is important to create awareness in your community so you can attract new customers.
Taking 30 minutes a week to plan your marketing strategy will go a long way towards accelerating growth. Medicine-On-Time is here to help.
If you offer delivery to your customers, you have an easy advertisement opportunity driving around town. Make sure you include your pharmacy name, logo and phone number on your vehicle. Also, try adding a magnet or decal showing images of your adherence solution. Medicine-On-Time offers a magnet for members that can be purchased via our e-commerce site.
According to the OAAA-Harris Poll 83% of respondents notice billboards when driving on highways, and 82% see billboards while driving locally around town. It is a great way to catch the eye of people who may not know your pharmacy exists or that you offer a service that could help them. Medicine-On-Time can help you with graphics and messaging if you decide to invest in a billboard ad.
If you host an event inside your pharmacy or somewhere in your community, consider giving away free t-shirts to participants. Even better, hand them out to your loyal customers. If they wear your shirt around town, it is a walking advertisement for your pharmacy. Be sure to include your pharmacy logo, phone number and images that represent your adherence solution. Medicine-On-Time’s marketing team can provide the graphics you need to design your t-shirts.
As we enter the Fall season, there will continue to be outdoor events in your community. Look ahead to see what events are coming up in your area. Ask if you can set up a booth to talk about your adherence solution. Medicine-On-Time can assist you with flyers and even a poster. We can also help you put together fun samples with candy to pass out at the event.
Even though a lot of advertising has gone digital, a good old fashioned postcard or mailer coupon is a great way to let your community know what you are doing. Start with mailers to communities that fit the demographics that would most benefit from your service. Medicine-On-Time offers postcards that can be customized for your pharmacy. We can also provide the graphics and messaging you need for coupons.
Did you know that in 2020, 83% of Americans ages 12 or older listened to terrestrial radio in a given week? It is a great way to reach new markets. If you choose to advertise via the radio, be sure to consider the demographics you are trying to reach when you select the radio station to use. Also, make sure you direct listeners to your website for more information. Medicine-On-Time can provide the content you need for your website and for the radio advertisement.
We know pharmacy staff is stretched thin, but making the growth of your pharmacy a priority will ensure you are there for your community for years to come. As your partner, Medicine-On-Time is committed to supporting your growth. If you are a member and would like help with marketing initiatives, contact us at marketing@medicineontime.com. If you are interested in becoming a customer, contact us at info@medicineontime.com.