Going Above and Beyond: Community Care Rx

As American Pharmacist Month comes to an end, we want to continue to recognize pharmacies that go above and beyond to provide specialized care for the communities they serve. We sat down with Medicine-On-Time member, Community Care Rx based in Hempstead, NY and spoke with them about the custom programs they have put in place for the facilities they service, and how Medicine-On-Time has improved patient safety with adherence and compliance.
Tell us a little bit about your pharmacy, how long have you been in business, how many team members do you have, anything unique about your community and/or pharmacy location?
Community Care Rx (CCRx) is a long-term-care pharmacy that provides comprehensive pharmacy services to assisted living facilities,
skilled nursing facilities, OPWDD residential facilities and other long-term-care providers throughout the New York metropolitan area
and beyond. CCRx was founded 28 years ago by Hossam Maksoud, PharmaD, who serves as Chief Executive Officer. The company,
which has more than 150 employees, is based in Hempstead, N.Y., and also has offices in Totowa, N.J.
How do you use Medicine-On-Time to help improve your pharmacy business and/or patient outcomes?
We use Medicine-On-Time’s products to help the facilities we serve enhance their patient safety with adherence and compliance. The
fact that we offer these services is one of the many things we do that separates us from the average long-term-care pharmacy. Compared to the average blister bingo packs, we find that MOT’s product is super-durable; it is especially popular in the summertime for kids when they go off to camp.
What other services do you offer to your community and set you apart?
CCRx creates custom-tailored programs for different facilities based on their needs. Services offered includes 24/7 emergency
services, medication packaging and technology, clinical support, quality assurance and a free delivery program. The company also offers its clients staff training and educational seminars, insurance enrollment assistance and financial assistance programs, among other services.
Five years ago, the company established a new division, Community Care Consulting, in which experienced consultant pharmacists provide clinical expertise and services to long-term-care facilities and residential institutions. Two years later, the company added Community Care Specialty Pharmacy, which works with the entire healthcare ecosystem to connect patients who have chronic and rare conditions to medication, information and funding. Hossam Maksoud and his team have special expertise in providing services to patients who have HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, rheumatic disease, osteoporosis and other conditions.
CCRx is able to take on substantial new business in a seamless manner, with no disruption to clients and the patients they serve. The breadth and depth of CCRx’s services are unmatched in the institutional pharmacy arena.
How has your pharmacy operation changed through the pandemic?
CCRx has continued to provide its essential pharmacy services to its clients throughout the pandemic. The company has also added additional services, including mobile COVID-19 testing services and mobile vaccination services. CCRx pharmacists and technicians
have traveled to assisted living facilities, group homes, schools, businesses and other organizations to expertly provide these indemand
services upon request.
Is there anything else you want to tell us about your pharmacy we didn’t ask?
CCRx supports various nonprofit organizations throughout the region. Hossam Maksoud founded The Maksoud Foundation to help further this goal. The Maksoud Foundation’s mission is to provide financial and other supports to organizations that assist seniors and individuals with developmental, intellectual and psychological disabilities. In addition, The Maksoud Foundation directly assists
individuals within the populations it serves, including providing financial assistance to help individuals afford their prescriptions and
other medical services and helping individuals navigate the complex maze of medication and medical services available from state,
national and private organizations.