Women Pharmacist Day Spotlight: Ashley Gavin
Today, on Women Pharmacist Day, we celebrate the significant gains that women have made in pursuing careers in pharmacy. Not only that, we honor women pharmacists who exemplify leadership, dedication, and work-life balance. Ashley Gavin, Pharmacist and Pharmacy Manager at Bouvier Pharmacy in Marlborough, MA encompasses all of these traits. […]
4 Steps to Setting your Pharmacy Up for Sustainable Growth with your Medication Adherence Solution
Offering a medication adherence solution presents an opportunity for your pharmacy to experience significant growth. However, it is important to be strategic about how you introduce this new service to your patients and your community if you want to have growth that is sustainable into the future. When you are […]
6 Smart Ways to Advertise Your Medication Adherence Solution in your Community
Investing in a medication adherence solution can help you grow your pharmacy business. Growth doesn’t happen overnight. It is important to create awareness in your community so you can attract new customers. Taking 30 minutes a week to plan your marketing strategy will go a long way towards accelerating growth. […]
Pharmacy Technician Spotlight: Donna Carroll
Donna Carrol “goes above and beyond” for her Medicine-On-Time patients. “She knows their unique needs for their medications and always tries to accommodate them.” Blount Specialty Pharmacy knows the gem they have in long-time employee and Pharmacy Technician, Donna Carroll. They nominated her for Medicine-On-Time’s Pharmacy Technician of the Year […]
6 Marketing Resources and Services Included in Medicine-On-Time’s Marketing Assistance Program
As a pharmacy business striving for success in today’s industry, you need to show what you do best. When it comes to standing out…it’s all about your services. If you offer adherence packaging as a service to your community, there is no doubt that you are providing value. In order […]
5 Tips for Marketing your Medication Adherence Packaging Solution Online
According to datareportal.com, more than half of the world uses social media and 98% of all internet users are utilizing a search engine every month. People are looking online to choose the best options for the specific product or service they need. What does this mean for your pharmacy? As […]
6 Essential Marketing Resources for Promoting Compliance Packaging Inside your Pharmacy
If you have invested in a compliance packaging solution, and you want to grow your program, the best place to start is with existing patients, but what is the best way to promote your services inside your pharmacy? When customers step foot in your store, you want them to see […]
How to Promote Adoption of your Compliance Packaging Solution through Strategic Patient Engagement
Compliance packaging offers countless benefits to your pharmacy and your patients, but sometimes convincing your lowest adherent patients to adopt your compliance packaging solution can come with challenges. Maybe your patient doesn’t know you offer the service, or they don’t understand the benefits. Or maybe they do not want to […]
6 Common Barriers to Medication Adherence
Medication non-adherence is affecting 40-50% of patients with chronic conditions, causing what is thought to be 100,000 preventable deaths each year. Since Pharmacy Quality Measures are closely aligned with reimbursement, pharmacies are encouraged to fill gaps in patient care and improve these scores for the patients they serve. Talking […]
4 Steps to Branding Your Adherence Program
In last week’s blog we talked about bundling your services to create a program that is marketable to your patients and your community. Developing a program is a great way to set your pharmacy apart, and branding is an essential step. What is branding? It is the marketing practice of […]