Pharmacy Technician Spotlight Feature
Pharmacy Technician of the Year Spotlight
Meet our first nominee: Nikki Phillips, CPhT of Germ's Thrift Clinic

When it comes to a Medication Adherence program, having a champion at the pharmacy who is willing to take a lead role in improving the health of patients is so important. Especially when you have a small staff. At Germ’s Thrift Clinic, Pharmacy Technician Nikki Phillips, CPhT is making it look easy!
As part of our Pharmacy Technician Spotlight series, we sat down with Nikki to ask her questions about the changes the Pharmacy Technician role has seen over the years as well as her role in Germ’s Thrift Clinic’s success as a five-star pharmacy.
How long have you been a Pharmacy Technician?
“I have been a tech since 2006”.
How has your role changed since you started working in the pharmacy? As the pharmacist’s role has changed, how has your role as a pharmacy technician changed?
“Changes in my role since starting at Germ’s: I initially focused mainly on data entry of Rx’s and maintaining daily ordering while also doubling as a cashier. As the pharmacist’s role changed I began maintaining inventory, doing data entry and also filled prescriptions as well.”
What are some of the things you have done to optimize workflow in the pharmacy with a small staff?
“Now working with just myself and the pharmacist, I am basically everywhere. Our workflow together is essential.”
What are some of the biggest challenges you have seen with helping patients improve their adherence to their medications?
“Helping patients with adherence is a big challenge, however, I have implemented a plan where I run reports using information off of the EQuiPP platform. I do this weekly and am able to see who is due for fills to keep them adherent. For those difficult patients we use Medicine-On-Time adherence packaging to get them adherent. We have maintained 5 star status for over a year now."
What are some recommendations you would make to other technicians looking to advance their role in the pharmacy?
“If a technician should want to advance their role in pharmacy, definitely be proactive with the patients to help them improve their adherence and to help with better reimbursements to the pharmacy. Learn the EQuiPP platform and implement a plan to run reports and make calls and perhaps suggest to your pharmacist to get an adherence packaging program started.”
How would you define the connection pharmacy technicians and customers have in the community?
“As a pharmacy technician, we are for the most part, the first to be seen or spoken to… so we definitely have a great connection with our patients. We need to utilize their trust in us to help them stay on top of their health. I recently became certified with APHA to assist my pharmacist in giving Covid-19 vaccinations… I am looking forward to the new role given to our profession!”
We know the connection between the Pharmacist and their right-hand technician is a strong one. As part of our Spotlight Series, we asked the Pharmacist in Charge (or owner/direct supervisor) of the nominated technicians to provide some insight to what makes their Technician stand out.
What does Owner of Germ’s Thrift Clinic, Germaine Robinson say about Nikki? We asked her how Nikki has helped her pharmacy and this is what she said:
“Since day one, Nikki has stepped up to the plate. She was unfamiliar with Pioneer software, but took it upon herself to register with Pioneer University. She very seldom had to call support because she was determined to figure things out on her own. Now she has managed my pharmacy’s EQuIPP scores for the past year, running reports and tracking outliers for adherence. We have been a 5 Star pharmacy since.”
“Her determination for excellence and loyalty to both the company and customers speaks volumes for her magnificent work ethic. I can’t call her a 5 Star tech because like the galaxies her stars are infinite!” “I am very proud to have her working next to me!”
Keep an eye out for upcoming Pharmacy Technician Spotlights as we continue our recognition of Outstanding Pharmacy Technicians. Nominate your Medicine-On-Time Technician by contacting your account manager.